Welkom! Wat leuk dat je mijn site bezoekt. Ik hoop dat de site je aanspreekt zodat ik je ook in de praktijk mag ontvangen.
bibian is een praktijk waar je leert ervaren wat goed voor je is. Leven vanuit je natuur, bezieling en passie. Ik gebruik vele werkvormen die erop gericht zijn jouw natuurlijke -zijn- weer te herontdekken. Je maakt verbinding met jezelf en vervolgens met de ander.
bibian biedt Paramedische natuurgeneeskundige therapie voor individu, relatie en gezin. Ik geef ook yoga, klankontspanning en ademtraining in groepslessen van max. 9 deelnemers.
Door mijn brede opleiding en werkervaring ben ik in staat om creatief te denken en werken in alle situaties. De mens is meer dan het lichaam, de mens is meer dan de geest, de mens is meer dan de emoties, de mens is meer dan spiritualiteit. Daarom verdient elk mens een werkwijze die uitgaat van het geheel. Dat heelt.
Speciaal voor organisaties biedt bibian trainingen "Methode Familiezorg". Ook deze trainingen hebben de nadruk om weer terug te gaan naar de kern van je werk in gezondheidszorg en welzijn. De relatie met jezelf en de ander versterken om zo samen de beste kwaliteit van zorg te kunnen bieden. De zorg klopt als je hart klopt voor de zorg.
You spend an hour with me and your experience get add up into mine.
Worked with more than 50, Fortune 500 companies.
An effective leader is a person who , Creates an inspiring vision of the future.
A promise for your growth which can't be broken.
Eagerly waiting to hear from you and determined to support your future.
Find out your risk-taking ability and then pick the instruments you want to invest in (asset allocation). Link your investments to goals and you won't have to scrounge around for money when you need it. Build a plan the minute you are employed because you can invest without straining your finances and without the burden of responsibilities.
The amount of cover you take, be it life or health will depend on your lifestage, income, dependants and requirements. Next, consider insurance policies that can help you reach your goals. These include traditional (endowment) and child plans, and finally, buy plans that can assist you in creating wealth (Ulips). The other important insurance plans that you shouold buy are those that cover real estate and household content.
Much like death, taxes will never go away. While rules and slabs may change from time to time, taxation itself won't. In fact, it affects every aspect of your finances, from income and allowances to investments as well as the assets you buy or sell. So, stop ignoring or pushing it away.
The more things change, the more this rule holds. A good financial plan not only means investing in the right avenues and monitoring the plan's progress, but also ensuring that you don't lose your hard-earned money to frauds, identity theft and sheer ignorance. Financial knowledge and caution can translate into higher gains and fewer losses for you in any market condition.
Often, we spend money on things we may not even use. So, be gentle on the wallet before you make any transaction and check how you can be more efficient in managing your expenses.
Keeping all your money in one place, and that too, idle, may not prove to be fruitful. You could try to invest in a smart mix of stocks and bonds, or even better, in mutual funds - which give access to a variety of stocks and bonds. This will not just prove profitable, but help you save on taxes too.
Clients around the World
Companies Worked with
Profit from Market $
Branches in Countries
5 hours session per day
Financial Planning Session
Smart investment Techniques
Overcoming Debt
Client Communication
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By : Admin -
By : Admin -